About Us

AboutUsAt Need To Build Muscle INC., we believe in being much more than just another supplement company. The health and bodybuilding industry is already laden with product sellers, ingredient pushers, misleading advertisers and supplement companies of all shapes and sizes. Of course without advertising a company cannot survive. At Need To Build Muscle, we want that marketing to be word of mouth from satisfied customers, not just paid ads. We want to do much more than sell you products, we want you to become a convert of this fitness lifestyle and reach all of your goals no matter how ambitious they may be!

At the time that I founded Need To Build Muscle INC., I had guys like you and me in mind. Normal guys who wanted to lose lots of body fat and gain large amount of hard muscle. But my visions weren’t just about bodybuilding and fitness, it was about people helping people. It was about the trust that you have for the guy spotting you during a personal record lift. Let’s face it, when the bar is stacked with plates and you are giving it your all, it takes another guy just like you to keep you safe and on track. In the gym we are all brothers, but the business end of it has become quite ugly, people helping people has become but a memory in the supplement industry. Companies are out to get rich quick and people who have a heart for others are almost impossible to come by. With the corporatization of bodybuilding and our passion for fitness, the dollar has become more valuable than helping one another reach our goals. This is something that really saddens me.

I swore and oath when I created Need To Build Muscle INC. I, Nathan Chase, intend to change all that is wrong with the industry and make a huge difference in people’s lives. I will care more for my customer’s health and wellbeing than their wallets, and I will earn each penny through satisfied return customers and not the smoke and mirrors used by other much larger companies. I promise to strive to be the best I can be for you, and go the extra mile, putting you first as a person with goals and passion for life, not thinking about a monetary reward until you are fully satisfied with your experience with me and my company. As I dreamed up the business model for Need To Build Muscle, I did so putting much more value on you, the breathing walking body in need of getting in shape, not on numbers and margins.

When you contact my expert support group through email or by phone, you will get much more than just a prompt customer service reply from a paid representative. You will get a warm greeting from somebody who cares about your needs and wants, somebody whose sole purpose is to help you reach your goals. Your emails and your calls are answered by someone who will treat you like a friend, somebody whom you would trust in the gym spotting you during your all-time personal record bench-press because that is the kind of guy I am. I only surround myself with guys who are as dedicated to helping others as me. I not only want Need To Build Muscle to be your favorite supplement company, but for me to become your friend and brother in iron. I care about you more than your wallet and I will do everything I can to make you happy, but if you are still not satisfied with me and my company then you can keep your money, because I will not accept a single dollar I haven’t earned.

I promise you I don’t just talk a good talk. I actually walk the righteous walk through the path of goodness. You’ll agree this is true once you start interacting with me and dealing with Need To Build Muscle INC. as a supplement company. We know you will find that we truly are good humble people who just want to help guys like you get in great shape and hopefully earn the right to feed our families in the process. Need To Buildmuscle INC. is nothing like any other supplement company you have ever experienced before, because our foundation is rooted in helping others reach their goals first, before we ever think of a reward for ourselves.

I, Nathan Chase, believe in these ideals very strongly and I hope I can earn the chance to help change the lives of millions of people making not only the health and bodybuilding industry a better place, maybe even the world. Until then, today is your day and I am here to help you. I’m here for you brothers and sisters of iron. Just call and Need To Build Muscle INC. will be at your side.